half filipina. half amazing

B r o n x

My first baby was a 2009 christmas present. A male pug, who I have always wished for since I was a little girl.  He was six weeks old and we named him Bronx. He was so small, about four lbs and this wasnt a concern because he was very smart, friendly, and caught on to our way of life.

Bronx learned quickly how to walk on a leash, pee on a puppy pad, sleep in his crate,  and he didnt have a mean bone in his body. I looked forward to our future with this obedient loving dog. Bronx went all over California with us. Nevada, Oregon, and Washington.  Since this was our first dog, We wanted to socialize him with the world and unfortunately this lead to his death at seven months old.

I took him to an off leash dog park April 2010 in  Balboa Park. San Diego.
I understand that all dog parks are  ” at your own risk ”  and it sucks to keep in mind that parks do indeed have a dangerous aspect to it. Keeping those words “at your own risk”  in  mind at all times would lead to a more stressful experience than a positive experience if you ask me but from here on out, its tattooed in my head.

 My boyfriend & I  had been to this dog park several times together with Bronx  and a couple others in San Diego county. One morning when I was by myself,  Bronx was attacked by a jealous pit bull mix as Bronx was greeting the pitbull mix owner. He was just saying hi, with his tail wagging as he licked the man’s hand.  The pitbull picked bronx up by the throat and shook him until his owner and myself pryed baby Bronx out of the mouth of his killer. The owner and myself were bleeding from the sharp teeth of this heartless dog.  Of course I didnt get any information due to the adrenaline /emergent voyage to the animal hospital and the urgent care for my dog bite wound. 

To this day I regret I didnt have a cell phone and didnt  take down any information about the owner of that dog. So to settle my mind and for the justice of Bronx, I must continue to  share my story

I couldnt sleep for a long time because the thought of what happened was a nightmare, I could hear Bronx yelping for my help and what happend kept replaying in my head. I then started blaming myself and what I could have done differently that morning.  I still have the scar that I brush against to remember my love who was taken away from me too early in his life.

I dont understand the ignorance of some people who would risk taking their untrained/unmanageable dog to a dog park. I dont understand the reasoning and way of thinking that this behavior is acceptable and it sure wont be unrecognized. 

Some say its the owners fault
Some say its the pitbull breed
maybe its my fault

After the passing of Bronx, we adopted Harley from a nice family who gave him to us for free. Harley is an amazing dog who has brought joy to our saddened hearts and helped us heal . In July 2010 we adopted Miles who was three months old and I feel that we all were brought together thanks to Bronx because Miles has the same mannerism and personality.

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